Use MongoDB with Lucee
In my attempt to use MongoDB with Lucee I used the following extension:
MongoDB Datasource and Cache
// Connecting to mongodb and database
db = MongoDBConnect("collection", "mongodb://user:pass@host:port/collection?authSource=admin");
// Check if collection exists else create one
timeseries: {
timeField: "timestamp",
metaField: "data",
granularity: "hours"
expireAfterSeconds: 86400
// Create a random number and insert to collection
rndmNumber = ceiling(rand() * 10);
db["logs"].insert( { item: "card", qty: rndmNumber } );
// Get amount of all documents in the collection
fullCollection = db.getCollection("collection").count();
// Query data
find = db["logs"].find( { qty: { '$gt': 4 } } ).sort( { qty: 1 } ).limit( 5 ).toArray();
findOne = db["logs"].findOne({ qty: 10});
To pass in collection options, I had to use the Java Libraries directly. In the following example, I created a collection with validation options. This prevents data that does not match the schema from being written to the collection. The extension above includes all the additional needed Java libraries.
connectionString = "mongodb://#variables.mongoUsername#:#variables.mongoPassword#@#variables.mongoHost#:#variables.mongoPort#/demo?authSource=admin";
mongoConnectionString = loadClass( "com.mongodb.ConnectionString" )
.init( connectionString )
mongoClient = loadClass( "com.mongodb.client.MongoClients" )
.create( mongoConnectionString )
mongoCreateCollectionOptions = loadClass( "com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions" );
mongoValidator = loadClass( "com.mongodb.client.model.ValidationOptions" );
db = mongoClient.getDatabase(mongoConnectionString.getDatabase());
optionValidation = mongoValidator.validator(
"$jsonSchema": {
"bsonType": 'object',
"required": [ 'severity', 'operation', 'data' ],
"properties": {
"severity": {
"bsonType": 'double',
"description": 'Must be a double and is required!'
"operation": {
"bsonType": 'string',
"description": 'Must be a string and is required!'
"data": {
"bsonType": 'object',
"required": [ 'message' ],
"properties": {
"message": {
"bsonType": 'string',
"description": 'Must be a string and is required!'
db.createCollection("logs", mongoCreateCollectionOptions.validationOptions(optionValidation));
// Functions
public any function loadClass( required string className ) {
return( createObject( "java", className ) );
public any function toBson( required struct orderedKeyValuePairs ) {
return( loadClass( "org.bson.Document" ).init( orderedKeyValuePairs ) );
public struct function fromBson( required any bsonDocument ) {
var unwrappedStruct = structNew( "linked" ).append( bsonDocument );
index = "local.key"
item = "local.value"
struct = unwrappedStruct
if ( ! isNull( value ) && isStruct( value ) ) {
unwrappedStruct[ key ] = fromBson( value );
return( unwrappedStruct );
I released a working example on my GitHub: